Hubley Circus Vans and Wagons
Rare and Fancy Offerings
Buffalo Van

Listed from 1919 to 1926 in a medium Size. Not found in later catalogs. I've only seen it with a red body and yellow wheels led by black horses. Listed at a length of 13 1/4 inches. Very Scarce

Eagle Van
Hubley Eagle Van - Offered in small sizes. Listed in the Catalogs from 1919- 1926. Offered at Two lengths 7 and 8.5 inches long. I've only seen it offered in green with yellow wheels. Scarce toy.

Clown Trapeze Mirror Van

There were two versions of the Hubley Trapeze Van this one the largest and more elaborate version at 16.5 inches in length. Also referred to as a mirror van there was a mirror van version without the trapeze attachment. This version displayed a clown hanging from the trapeze and angels blowing a horn embossed on the sides. Found in the Hubley catalogs from 1919 to 1926. Not shown in later catalogs.

Farmer Van

One of the more ornate and unusual of Royal circus parade wagons, heavily embossed wagon features rhino on side, pressed steel roof top. Articulated action features the cast head of farmer able to peer out and hide back inside wagon as toy is pulled along by team of Two horses with wheels at front feet. 16'' long. Appears in the Hubley catalogs from 1919 to 1926 and then dissapears from later versions. Green body with gold trim and red starburst style wheels. I have seen versions with black , white and brown plumed horses.

While not offered in the catalogs Hubley did sell a Rhino Van that was similar in appearance to the Farmers Van without any mechanics. I've only seen this offering with a red body
Giraffe Wagon
Large Style Splittier Wagon containing a large mother giraffe and smaller baby giraffe. Pulled by two plumed Hubley horses. Hole in the roof allows the mother to extend her head above the wagon and peer out. Offered in the 1919 to 1926 catalog offerings. Catalog shows either a two horse or four horse offering possible at either 16.5 inches or 24.5 inches in length. Colors offered Red wagon with yellow wheels or Green wagon with yellow wheels. Various horse colors possible. The lancaster History museum has a picture of a white giraffe cage wagon.
Lion Van
Found offered in the Hubley Catalogs between 1919 and 1926. Smaller sized cage embossed with a Lion figure on both sides of a solid van. Scarce offering not often found.
Monkey Van
Similar to the Clown Trapeze . Mirror van body . Offered in a medium size .
Revolving Monkey Cage
While listed in the 1919 to 1926 catalogs this toy appears to be a prototype Toy that appears to have never been produced for sale. Extremely scarce toy with possibly only two known examples though I've seen some dialogue about a possible third example with some thoughts that is was one of the two painted a different color at one time. One came from the collection of a former employee and one from a museum collection.
Tiger Van
Ornate van with a tiger embossed on both sides. Scarce offering found with a red or green body. Various horse types and colors possible. Listed in the catalog at 12.5 inches. Somewhat scarce find.